Preventive measures COVID-19
The health emergency that we are experiencing due to the spread of the coronavirus is strongly impacting our society in practically all areas. And certainly, activities like tourism and business travel are no exception.
HIKE CHILE is not oblivious to this, we are very committed to health care and the prompt recovery of normality. So we have taken a series of measures in all our tours and expeditions:

Tours or expeditions will not exceed 9 people per group.
The distance between clients will be maintained whenever possible .
Hydroalcoholic gel will be provided before, during and after the service.
All the personnel involved (guide, driver etc) and clients must wear a mask during transfers.
The delivery of printed material such as maps or brochures will be avoided.
The temperature and symptoms of all HIKE CHILE personnel are monitored daily, excluding and keeping in quarantine for 14 days those with fever or symptoms.
Temperature will be taken for all attendees and admission will be denied to the person with a temperature above 37 ° and the amount of the service paid will be returned.
All the means of transport involved will be disinfected before, during and after each service and thoroughly washed every 24 hours.
All technical and personal equipment (shoes, ropes, gloves, poles, etc.) will be disinfected before and after each use.
It will be enough to have the ticket or reservation on the mobile and not printed.